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Burning spear, a jolly, well-fed looking jamaican man with dreads longer than my arms. hmmm everyone in the wildly diverse crowd including white people, including myself ; was throwing up their hands dancing around to the music. i found myself thinking back to jimmy cliff's 1983 jam "american dream" in which , he asks "the american dream is not what it seem.why do you slumber?" many americans listen to reggae, but i doubt that those who switch on the tunes really know what they're listening to. reggae itself is not only un-american; the very core of much of reggae is anti-american. a tidbit of jamaican history. the former colonial country, seized and forced into slavery by the british for many hundred years, has only been independent for some 60 years. the music of reggae was born in the slums of kingston around this time of newfound independence as the music of the "free people." reggae's hollow backbeats emerged from political turmoil and social upheaval; thus, the music's veins run with politically oriented messages such as slavery, human rights, liberation, unity and religious faith. ever heard the word babylon in a reggae song? this is the name for the white political power machine that seized and enslaved jamaicans not so long ago and continues to oppress the nation. reggae artists clearly seek to remind blacks of their though bob marley may figure as the archetypal heritage and to implore them to reunite in the opposition to the . music god to nouveau bohemians and high school "babylon system" take messian dread's 1988 song discreetly titled babylon: "babylon, let me tell you about babylon let me pseudo-hippies, his message is a far cry from that of his american listeners--america is not my home. sing a song about the whore where every king of the earth has it never was. reggae in of all its subcategories: ska, dance slept with babylon she is causing is pain and mysery some say hall, dub, nyabingi, one drop, and rockers all virtually she's a mystery, but it is not for you and not for me to cooperate indistinguishable to the foreign ear ; struck a chord in the u.s. with her in this hurt society cause evil is her plan you know, . when the music of kingston's slums rode into the mainland on evil her aims" think that white kid with the dreads and the bong knows he's talking about his own race when he sings the back of musician jimmy cliff in the 1973 film the harder they come, which preceded the arrival of marley and his band. along? bet not. but who's to stop american reggae lovers marley and the wailers popularized the inverted rhythms and from harboring their musical tastes under the umbrella of prominent bass lines of reggae with america's generation reggae after all, unity, love and good music is for everyone. -madeleine webb of flower children, vietnam protesters and free spirits. white artists, notably eric clapton and paul simon, would appropriate nobbery worse than `terrible' taste the new noise, and reggae-ish vibes could be detected in rock music snobs--you dent or "inde" labels, but and rap as early as the `80s. the music of the "revolution" had know who you are. you music snobs need to realize found an explosively growing niche in the west, but more hate music that isn't deep. that genre alone doesn't impressively, it accomplished something no other genre can you despise music whose make music good or catchy. boast in truth, reggae had fostered fans across enemy lines. melodies are simple, you songs you hear on the an avid reggae listener, i'd throw on a bob cd on a sunny day can't stand when songs have radio, singers like kelly and sit on my porch letting the caribbean vibes transport me to a limited number of chords, clarkson and cheesy songs the beach. melody makers while i was writing, stevie s when i and above all you discrimi- from movie sound tracks, wanted to get rasta-crunk, peter tosh while i was soaking in the nate against songs that have can be fun to listen to, even tub, black uhuru when i was feeling deep. previously, i had only recently grown popular. if they're not great "art." read peaceful themes into the music--non-violence, justification if it isn't evident already, i people like songs for differfor smoking reefer and praise for jah god in the rastafarian don't know much about mu- ent reasons, and you music religion ; . and sure, anyone who's ever only even brushed sic. when it comes to songs snobs should remember the surface of reggae knows bob marley's "buffalo soldier, " i either like them or i don't. that. it's important to be tol"redemption song, " or "the heathen" - wistful tunes of home, but i have learned that it's erant of everyone's taste in sad reminders of oppression and calls for remembrance and never fun to be around mu- music, and not visibly scoff salvation. it is true that much of reggae is very spiritual as well as sic snobs, as they deflate me at people's musical preferextremely political, but in truth, it was only until i saw one of my with snide comments about ences just because it isn't favorite jamaican artists, burning spear, in concert that i realized my "horrible" taste in music. what you consider good. the extreme anti-american feelings intrinsic to jamaican reggae. sure i listen to indepen-janna kaplan "i ain't got no uncle sam, i ain't got no uncle sam, " chanted [nexus]may-june 2006 and casino chips. 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Storage capacity and fear of being cheated in the market, the small peasants offer their produce to the itinerant traders at a relatively cheaper price sometimes the moneylenders provide them with loans on the condition that they will sell their produce to them only. it is also observed that the shopkeepers and the traders in the rural market centres sell on credit essential consumer commodities to the peasants during natural calamities or at times of dire necessity. in next harvest, the farmers realize their loans paying high rates of interest in terms of agricultural produce at low prices. often moneylenders act as commission agents of the wholesale traders and casino on net. 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505.17. keeping dangerous animals; permit; fees. a ; as used in this section, "dangerous animal" means and includes any wild mammal, reptile or fowl which is not naturally tame or gentle but is of a wild nature or disposition and which because of its size, vicious nature or other characteristics would constitute a danger to human life or property if it is not kept or maintained in a safe manner or in secure quarters. b ; no person shall keep or maintain within the corporate limits of this city, any dangerous animal unless a special animal permit there for is first obtained from the health commissioner. c ; the health commissioner shall issue a special permit for the keeping or maintenance of a dangerous animal if he she finds that: 1 ; the animal is at all times kept or maintained in a safe manner and that it is at all times confined securely so that the keeping of such animal will not constitute a danger to human life or the property of others. 2 ; adequate safeguards are made to prevent unauthorized access to such animal by members of the public. 3 ; the health or well being of the animal is not in any way endangered by the manner of keeping or confinement. 4 ; the keeping of such animal does not constitute a nuisance and will not harm the surrounding neighborhood or disturb the tranquility of the surrounding neighborhood. 5 ; the keeping of such animal will not create or cause offensive odors or constitute a danger to public health. 6 ; the quarters in which such animal is kept or confined are adequately lighted and ventilated and are so constructed that they may be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. 7 ; the applicant for such special permit proves his her ability to respond in damages to and including the amount of one hundred thousand dollars 0, 000 ; for bodily injury to or death of any person or persons or for damage to property owned by any other person which may result from the ownership, keeping or maintenance of such animal. proof of liability to respond in damages may be given by filing with the health commissioner a certificate of insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the state stating that the applicant is, at the time of his her application, and will be during the period of such special permit, insured against liability to respond in such damages, or by posting with the health commissioner a surety bond conditioned upon the payment of such damages during the period of such special permit. such certificate of insurance or bond shall provide that no cancellation of the insurance or bond will be made unless ten days written notice is first given to the health commissioner. d ; the health commissioner, in investigating any applicant for a permit under this section or in the enforcement of this section, is authorized to consult with and seek the advice of the society for prevention of cruelty to animals, the animal protective league, the humane society or any other individual, agency, organization or society which may be able to provide information and advice concerning the keeping of dangerous animals. e ; prior to the annual renewal of any special permit issued hereunder and at least once, not more than three months after the issuance of any such special permit or after its renewal, the health commissioner shall inspect the premises subject to such special permit to determine whether the person to whom it has been issued is continuing to comply with all of the conditions specified in this section. if the commissioner determines during any such inspection that any of the conditions therein specified are being violated, he she shall refuse to renew any such special permit, or he she shall revoke such special permit in the event that such violation is not corrected within such period of time as he she directs. a fee of fifteen dollars .00 ; 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The boardwalk jungle - ovid demaris - bantam books april 1986. the atlantic city gamble - george sternlieb & james w. hughes - harvard university press 1983. running scared - the life & trecherous times of steve wynn - john l. smith - barricade books 1995. casino player magazine - summer 1993 issue. international gaming & wagering business magazine - special pull-out section - june 15, 1993 issue. black's catalog of atlantic city chips & tokens - archie a. black - 1994 edition and vegas casino.
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